Regional News of Thursday, 15 September 2011

Source: GNA

Taxation Data Processing overhaul for more transparency

Ho, Sept. 15, GNA - Mr Benedictus Danu, Volta Regional Head of the Domestic Tax Revenue Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), has hinted of an overhaul of the tax related data processing system to make tax administration more transparent. He said the 91automation compliant' system would require that all taxpaying individuals and entities re-registered with the Registrar-General Department and the GRA, where appropriate. Mr Danu, who was speaking at a well-attended Tax Education Workshop in Ho on Thursday, said another impending innovation in tax administration in the country was the marking out of tax offices to solely serve the categories of small, medium and large tax payers. He said government ministries, departments and agencies were also part of the system and would be expected to comply fully. Mr Danu said the new system would bring personal contacts in tax administration to the minimum.

He said the amalgamation of all tax collecting organizations was to make tax administration less cumbersome under existing tax laws. Mr William Apeadu, Acting Ho Sector Commander of the Customs Division of the GRA, also said there was an exercise to impound all vehicles illegally imported into the country. He said the exercise would not be a nine day wonder and that 93if you park your vehicle to dodge the exercise, then you are parking it for good".

Mr Apeadu said that a countrywide exercise would soon begin to educate the public on the wax print issue. Mr Danso Kyeremateng, Volta Regional Head of the Support Services Division of GRA, reminded government agencies that it was inappropriate to do business with organizations that were not registered with the VAT office.

He advised business concerns to keep records of transactions and also report to the appropriate tax authorities when their businesses suffered setbacks.

Concerns raised by participants, including business people, public sector workers, representatives of private sector transport organizations and security services and traditional authorities were on the small bracket of tax payers and high rent tax. Mr Cherubim Kofi Zigah, representing the Cooperative Transport Owners Association, said various taxes paid by private public transporters were overbearing but officials of the GRA asserted that those taxes were comparably lower than for other sectors. 15 Sept 11
