General News of Monday, 6 May 2024


Teacher unions call for immediate payment of allowances

The unions have threatened to take further action if their demands are not met by May 13 The unions have threatened to take further action if their demands are not met by May 13

The pre-tertiary teacher unions in the Eastern Region are demanding the immediate payment of allowances before May 13, 2024, to avert industrial action.

The unions have expressed dissatisfaction with the government's failure to implement the allowances agreed upon in their collective agreement since 2009 and after the 2020 agreement.

Addressing the media in Koforidua on Monday, the unions raised concerns about the government's failure to honor the allowances, including the deprived area allowance, extra assessment allowance, book/data/online teaching support allowance, and the upward adjustment of the continuous professional development (CPD) allowance.

They highlighted the challenges faced by teachers due to harsh economic conditions and the government's inaction, with the last 24 months being difficult for Ghanaian teachers.

"We wish to emphasize that the last 24 months have been the most tortuous for the Ghanaian teacher, with no ray of hope for relief initiated by the employer," the unions said.

The unions, comprising members of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), and the Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana, urged the government to meet their demands, warning that if the demands are not met by May 13, 2024, they will take further action.

"Pursuant to the above, we call on the employer, once again, to honor its promises and commitment to our teachers by addressing our concerns over the allowances enumerated above."

"We wish to stress that we have had enough of the nonchalance, complacency, and aloofness of the employer and would thus not tolerate this situation any longer.

"Consequently, we are giving the employer up to May 13, 2024, to address our concerns. We wish to state in the strongest terms that, should the employer fail to address our demands on or before May 13, 2024, then we shall call on leadership to take action immediately," parts of the statement read.

On May 3, teachers from various parts of the Volta Region participated in a peaceful demonstration in Ho, calling for the payment of deprived area allowances and other key allowances.

The demonstration included members of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), and the Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana.

The teachers marched through the principal streets of Ho and presented a petition to the Regional Coordinating Director, Augustus Awity, at the Volta Regional Coordinating Council (VRCC).

The teacher unions in the Eastern Region fully support the demonstration and the petition presented to the Volta Regional Minister, expressing solidarity with their colleagues in the Volta Region.