General News of Friday, 23 February 2018


Teacher who lashed student for keeping bushy hair to be ‘disciplined’

The lashes left the student with marks of assault as seen in the picture The lashes left the student with marks of assault as seen in the picture

A teacher, who lashed one of his students for allegedly keeping what was considered bushy hair, is to face disciplinary action for his conduct that left the second-year student with bruises over his body.

The Cape Coast Metropolitan Directorate of the Ghana Education Service has asked authorities of the Cape Coast Technical Institute to submit an official report on the incident that took place on February 20, for the necessary action to be taken.

Daniel Sarpong was said to have been caned by one of the teachers of the school for keeping a bushy hair.

Parts of his body – his back and arm – were filled with what could be described as marks of assault. The affected areas were discoloured and slightly swollen.

The matter was reported to educational authorities in the region who are now demanding full official report from the school authorities for disciplinary proceedings to commence against the teacher.

Metropolitan Director of the GES, Stephen Richard Amoah, told TV3’s Adwoa Adobea-Owusu Thursday that the teacher, whose name has been withheld by the authorities, will be made to go through disciplinary measures.

He said the incident was reported to outfit on Wednesday, February 21 by the Vice Principal of the school, and accordingly, tasked the school to present official report on it, but did not say whether the school was given a deadline.

Meanwhile, has gathered the mother of the student, Ms. Comfort Oppong, was talked out of reporting the matter to the Police.

Our correspondent reported that when Ms. Oppong confronted the school authorities, they apologised for the conduct of the teacher.

“She confronted the school authorities who apologised on behalf of the said teacher and promised to refund the hospital bills of Daniel and also prevented her from reporting the case to the police,” Adobea-Owusu reported.

Our correspondent also said upon a visit to the school, she saw a lot of students who had bushy hair than that of Daniel but were not caned.

She gathered from the school that Daniel was lashed because he is junior in the school.