General News of Thursday, 2 June 2005

Source: GNA

Teachers are not bullies - GNAT

Accra, June 2, GNA - The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) on Thursday condemned the creeping perception that teachers were bullies and tyrants who were anxious to brutalize other people's children.

"Teachers love children, that is why they are working at the only place in the world where children abound, the school environment," Mrs Irene Duncan-Adansua, GNAT General Secretary told newsmen in Accra.

Mrs Duncan-Adanusa who was commenting on the increasing wave of assault, intimidations and humiliation of teachers in the country at a press conference in Accra, said such colloquial form of registering complaints against a school or a teacher is unacceptable in any modern society.

It is tantamount to interference and abuse of teacher's fundamental human rights, and had the potential of creating a state of insecurity, indiscipline and called for severe sanctioning of perpetrators. Mrs Duncan-Adanusa quoted UNESCO/ILO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers, which said, "Teachers should be protected against unfair or unwarranted interference by parents in matters which are essentially the teacher's professional responsibility."

She said if the teacher felt insecured, he/she would naturally recoil, leave the hostile environment or perform below ability and capability, which would not be in the interest of the child.

Mrs Duncan-Adanusa called on the police, parent teacher associations, civil society groups, child rights activists and the government to create a peaceful atmosphere for teachers to discharge their duties without fear of attacks while performing their legitimate duties and obligations.

Answering questions from newsmen, the GNAT General Secretary explained that the association would employ all legitimate means to protect its members.

The first step would be to embark on educational and sensitisation programmes throughout the country to expose the dangers of such practices and bring out redress modalities. working atmosphere. 02 June 05