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Politics of Thursday, 13 April 2006

Source: GNA

Techiman North, South NDC executives advise members

Techiman (B/A) April 13, GNA - Executives of the NDC in Techiman North and South have described the new Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), as "a bundle of roofing sheets that could be blown off by wind".

The executives advised NDC party faithful and supporters not to panic by the defection of the Veranda Boys and Girls in Sunyani to DFP. Mr. Daniel Osei-Kuffour, Special Assistant in-charge of Special Duties of the NDC in Techiman Municipality said when he addressed cadres, members of the 31st December Women's Movement and Constituency Executives at a special meeting to map out strategies towards the 2008 elections.

He said the assertion by Mr. Isaac Adjei, who signed the defection statement that the NDC was a party full of intimidation and violence was a "political gimmick".

The special assistant explained that if their reasons to defect to join the DFP was that they had just seen NDC as an in-fighting party, they could never be considered as serious, saying Dr. Obed Asamoah caused most of the problems that NDC was confronted with in the 2000 and 2004 elections.

He said the party expected Dr. Asamoah with his wealth of political experience, like that of the founder ex President J. J.Rawlings to be in the background and assisted the party instead of being the pivot of confusion.

Mr. Osei-Kuffour alleged that all the confusion and problems within the NDC were masterminded and orchestrated by those who had left the party and called on the party's supporters to remain loyal to it.

On the trial of Mr. Kofi Totobi-Quakyi, former National Security Adviser and Mr. Kwame Peprah, former Finance Minister, Mr. Osei- Kuffour asked NDC supporters to remain calm since the two played a useful role in the divestiture of the Ghana Film Industry Corporation. Alhaji Nashiru Yussif, Techiman South Constituency Chairman of the NDC assured the national executives of the party that they would work tirelessly to sustain the dignity of the party in the region so as to wrest back power in the 2008 elections.

He appealed to women within the party to get involved in grassroots politics by contesting the forthcoming district assemblies and unit committee elections.