Politics of Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Source: Syxtus Andrew Eshun, Contributor

Tell NPP and NDC you don’t need them anymore – Alan boldly declares to Ghanaian voters

Alan Kyerematen is the leader of the Afafranto Movement and an independent presidential candidate Alan Kyerematen is the leader of the Afafranto Movement and an independent presidential candidate

In a powerful message to the people of Ghana, the Presidential candidate for the Movement for Change, Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, has urged voters to turn their backs on the two major political parties, NPP and NDC, in the upcoming 7th December elections. According to Alan Kyerematen, these parties, which have ruled Ghana for over three decades, have little to show for their time in power, and it’s time for Ghanaians to demand something better.

Speaking passionately at Memsonso Number 1, a community in the Akrofuom Constituency of the Ashanti Region, Alan Kyerematen didn’t mince words. “After 32 years of the NPP and NDC, look around you. What do we have to show for it? These parties will come to you, offering lies and false promises. I tell you, they are liars trying to deceive you,” he charged the crowd. His message reverberated deeply, as the residents of the community hung on to his every word.

“Let me tell you, if the NPP and NDC come around, tell them that you don’t need them anymore,” Alan stated firmly. His fiery speech, delivered on October 7, 2024, as part of his 19-day campaign tour, sent a clear signal that his movement was gaining momentum. The former Trade and Industry Minister made it clear that neither of the two political parties had the people’s true interests at heart, and Ghanaians should not be fooled by their empty promises or token gifts.

Alan Kyerematen’s message comes at a time when his presence in the Ashanti Region is already causing ripples. His campaign is gaining traction across the region, with more communities joining the chorus of support. “The NPP and NDC have taken us for granted for too long.

This election is not about them anymore; it’s about the people of Ghana taking their destiny into their own hands,” Alan declared as he vowed to visit every community in the Ashanti Region to spread his message of real change.

As his support continues to snowball, the Movement for Change is emerging as a formidable force in the political landscape. Alan Kyerematen’s campaign is attracting large crowds, and his promise to bring tangible development to neglected communities is striking a chord with voters. The Ashanti Region, often considered the stronghold of the NPP, is now witnessing a shift as Alan’s bold approach gains ground.

With his Great Transformational Plan (GTP) at the forefront of his message, Alan Kyerematen’s call for a new political era is not only captivating voters but reshaping the narrative of the 2024 elections. “We don’t need the NPP or the NDC anymore. We need a leader who is ready to fix the economy and change the mindset of this nation,” he said, leaving the crowd with a renewed sense of hope.

Alan Kyerematen’s campaign in the Ashanti Region is far from over, but one thing is certain: his growing support is sending shockwaves through the political establishment, and the NPP and NDC may have more to worry about than they initially thought.