General News of Saturday, 30 March 2024


Tema General Hospital nurses made fun of me - Mother of dead newborn baby

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The mother of the newborn, who reportedly died at the Tema General Hospital due to a recent power outage, has responded to the hospital's claims that her baby's death was not a result of the outage.

On March 27, 2024, Accra-based GHOne TV shared on social media that an “erratic power cut on Tuesday evening plunged the neonatal unit of Tema General Hospital into chaos, resulting in the heartbreaking loss of a newborn.”

However, the hospital in a rebuttal via a statement dated March 28 and signed by the Medical Director, Dr. Richard Anthony, refuted the claim that lives were lost due to power outages that hit the facility on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

The statement explained that "the facility indeed experienced power outages that lasted for close to two hours."

“It is worth noting that no lives were lost as a result of this power outage,” the Medical Director added.

But Zainab Eliasu, the mother of the baby, insists that her baby died as a result of the power outage.

Speaking to a reporter from GHOne TV, Zainab narrated that her baby who was on oxygen started palpitating the moment the lights went off at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the hospital.

She said the doctors ignored her distress calls.

“When the lights went off, I went inside and I saw all the babies crying but my baby was palpitating, so, I told the doctor that he should take care of my baby but they were making fun of me and asked if I could carry my baby. I saw them inject my baby. That was when the lights came back but my baby’s breath was still not stable."

Zainab Eliasu added that although all the other babies were struggling for breath, her baby’s was intense, a reason her baby died.

She also believes that her “baby wouldn’t have died if the lights had not gone off.”

Meanwhile, the family of Zainab Eliasu say they will pursue the case till they receive justice. The family is furious that the facility is still insisting no baby died due to the power outage which lasted hours.


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