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Regional News of Friday, 24 June 2011

Source: GNA

Tema NASPAT undertakes Tree Planting Project

Tema, June 24, GNA - The National Service Personnel Association (NASPAT) of the Tema Metropolis has donated 500 tree seedlings to five basic and second cycle schools in the area for a tree-planting project.

The beneficiary schools are Padmore Street Primary School, Tema Technical Institute, Presbyterian Senior High School, Manhean Junior High School, and State School for the Deaf.

Mr Samuel Ayim-Ankomah, Metro Director of NASPAT presented the seedlings on behalf of the Association, and gave the green light for the take-off of the project.

The Metro NASPAT Director said it was important to protect the environment, and that trees 93go a long way to help the environment by providing shade, checking erosion, and acting as wind-breaks."

This, he said, was the more reason why the Association decided to initiate the tree planting in the selected schools within the Metropolis.

He said this was not the first time the Association was embarking on such an exercise, and that there had been a number of community-related projects, such as clean-up exercises and others.

Mr Ayim-Ankomah said as part of 93our social responsibility, NASPAT encourages all service personnel to see this as a shining example to emulate, and to be actively involved in uplifting the image of the scheme and Mother Ghana as a whole.

Mr Ayim-Ankomah stated that it was a very bold initiative by the service personnel, who as part of their aim to serve the nation this year, decided that 93before they ended their service in June, they wanted to leave behind a legacy, hence the Tree Planting Project".