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General News of Tuesday, 25 September 2001

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Tema Police arrest seven suspected armed robbers

The Tema Police on Sunday engaged seven suspected armed robbers and Indian hemp smokers in a 45-minute shoot out at the Sakumono Estates and succeeded in arresting them.

Chief Superintendent Agnes Sikanartey, Tema Regional Police Commander, who briefed newsmen at Tema on Monday, said the Police stormed the bush along the Accra-Tema railway line behind the Sakumono estates after a tip-off by someone who had gone to attend to nature's call in the bush and saw the suspected robbers wielding AK 47 riffles.

The informant told the Police that he overhead the suspects saying they would have got more money if they had killed a woman they robbed the previous night.

Chief Superintendent Sikanartey said when the Police got to the area at about 11:00 hours the suspects opened fire and they replied.

During the exchanges residents of the estates stayed in-doors and church services came to a brief standstill.

The suspect with the arms managed to escape but the Police seized large quantities of Indian hemp in pots, polythene bags and newspapers.

Other items were two mobile phones, a vehicle registration number plate GR 2278 J, a wireless set, a pair of scissors and bags.

The newspapers were mostly those that reported on armed robberies, the serial killings of women in Accra and the confessions by the suspected serial killer, Charles Quansah.

Chief Supt. Sikanartey said the Police was conducting further investigations and would soon put the suspects before court.

Meanwhile, the Police have requested the Tema Municipal Assembly to destroy all hideouts of criminals near the Sakumono Estates.