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Politics of Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Source: Stephen Darko, Contributor

Tema West NPP parliamentary candidate gets double blessing from Church, Chief Imam

MP hopeful for Tema West, Dennis Amfo-Sefah MP hopeful for Tema West, Dennis Amfo-Sefah

The newly elected parliamentary candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Tema West, Dennis Amfo-Sefah, is poised to prosecute his campaign with a double portion anointing for victory.

This is because Mr. Amfo-Sefah, who is popularly called Nana Boakye, has received blessings from both the Church and the office of the National Chief Imam after he formally thanked God for his victory in his party’s parliamentary primaries.

“I am totally under the grace of God and because of the benedictions that I have received I know that victory is certain,” Nana Boakye would later say. The Christian blessing was pronounced on the former Tema West Constituency Chairman of the NPP at a thanksgiving service that was held on Sunday, February 11, at the Most Holy Trinity Congregation of the Presbyterian Church at Lashibi. There, Rev. Daniel Amoako Nyarko gave thanks to God for Nana Boakye’s victory and then committed him to the care of the Almighty as he prepared to contest for the Tema West seat on the ticket of the NPP for the 2024 parliamentary elections", he said.

Rev. Amoako Nyarko also pronounced benedictions on the popular NPP stalwart.

In attendance at this church service were party executives and stalwarts including Carlos Kingsley Ahenkorah, the sitting MP for Tema West, Naa Adukwei Addo, the Municipal Chief Executive of Tema West, and other colleagues and admirers from the National constituency and regional levels.

“I am grateful for the presence and support of all those who are here with me and pray that as we go into the 2024 elections, the unity and peace that we are having among us will carry on and be the portion of not only the NPP, but Ghana as a whole,” Nana Boakye said.

Joyous well-wishers who had attended the service had also taken time to celebrate his victory at the polls and as well wish him well.

On Monday, February 12, 2024, Nana Boakye and his team called on the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu, to formally present himself and inform him about his contest in the 2024 parliamentary elections.

At the Fadama office of the National Chief Imam, Nana Boakye was again welcomed with a benediction from the Chief Imam who recited the blessing in Arabic.

“Now I feel fully covered in the grace of God to go forth and not only win my seat but also be a blessing to both my party and my country,” Nana Boakye said.