Regional News of Tuesday, 8 February 2005

Source: GNA

Tema workers give ICU two weeks ultimatum to leave TUC

Tema, Feb 08, GNA - Members of the Tema District Council of Labour (TDCL) at its emergency meeting on Tuesday gave the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU) two weeks ultimatum to leave the Trades Union Congress (TUC) office or face forceful ejection.
"After the February 22 deadline, the TDCL will meet and advise itself on the ICU-TUC issue because the ICU cannot disaffiliate itself from the TUC and continue to use its facilities", the TDCL stated by consensus. The decision was arrived at after lengthy deliberations during which members expressed various views after the leadership briefed them on the issue.
The members held the view that the intended court action was likely to prolong the case that would allow the ICU ample time to continue to occupy the building.
Members insisted that once the ICU was instrumental in the ejection of the Textile Garment and Leather Workers Union (TEGLEU) when it broke away from the ICU the same method must be applied to them. The workers however, called on the leadership of the TUC to consider settling cases as soon as they surface before they escalate. The ICU broke away from the mother TUC over accepting the membership of the Union of Industries Finance and Commercial Workers Union (UNICOF) into the TUC.
The UNICOF had also disaffiliated from the ICU over alleged dictatorship by the leadership.