General News of Wednesday, 8 November 2017


Tension as Ghana Armed Forces angry with Akufo-Addo’s retirement policy - Yammin

Joseph Yammin, Former Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports Joseph Yammin, Former Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports

Former Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports, Joseph Yammin, has hinted of a ‘growing tension’ among the rank and file of the Ghana Armed Forces following the new retirement policy introduced by the Akufo-Addo government.

According to Joseph Yammin, the military officers are not content with the fact that the extra five years added to their retirement age does not come with any service benefits.

The former Deputy Ashanti Regional Minister adds, the army personnel are also unhappy with the situation where promotions have been delayed contrary to an earlier assurance that they will be promoted after every six months.

Yammin was speaking in an exclusive interview with after silent working visit to some military installations in Kumasi.

Joseph Yammin, now aspiring to be the next Ashanti Regional Chairman for the opposition National Democratic Congress told this website he took the initiative because he was born and raised in the military barracks for which reason he is concerned about issues affecting their welfare.

He observes, “the Akufo-Addo government is gradually incurring the wrath of these soldiers with the introduction of a new retirement policy that allows soldiers to serve active for thirty years before retirement instead of the initial twenty five years.”

“According to the new policy, the soldiers even though would serve for thirty years, it falls short of mentioning additional incentives for the soldiers.”

He explains, “what it means is that the soldiers will retire after thirty years of active service under the same salary and incentives, no improved conditions of service for them.”

“Again, the soldiers are telling me that in line with the new policy, they were to get promotions after every six months. However, the new policy is silent on their promotions which means that a soldier may retire after thirty years of service as a Sargent or at a lower military rank,” he revealed.