General News of Friday, 8 November 2002


Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce to visit

The British High Commission has announced the visit to Ghana of the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce &Industry from 21-26 November.

The Thames Valley Chamber [TVCCI] will be visiting Ghana for its fourth consecutive year. Mr. Jim Rolstone the International Trade Manager at TVCCI will lead the mission. 18 representatives of British companies will accompany him. Commenting on the upcoming mission Mr. Rolstone said, "Our mission members are looking forward to making contacts within government and commercial circles and while we appreciate the financial difficulties that Ghana is currently going through, we look to the future prospects and continuation of the excellent relationship UK industry has with Ghana."

According to a press release from the High Commission, the companies participating in the mission can provide high tech products, services and solutions to Ghanaian companies. Sectors represented include Agricultural Equipment; Chemicals, Food and Personal Care Products; Procurement Consultancy; Household and Car Care Products; Tropical Pest control; Telecoms Equipment &Training; IT equipment; Lightning Protection; Specialised Printing Services; Building and Domestic Electrical supplies; Portable Generation and Power Transmission supplies.

The mission is jointly funded by Trade Partners UK, the British Government's Export Promotion body.