Diaspora News of Saturday, 1 October 2011

Source: heafai.org

The Gift of Education and Technology for sub-Saharan African children

Bronx, NY*

HEAFA International, a New York City based 501c3 charity, is bringing hope to the despaired communities of sub-Saharan Africa.

It's primary mission is to promote childhood education and computer literacy.

And why childhood education?

Education is the key to human development which should not be denied to any child regardless of his geographical location, religious or ethnic background. Each generation deserves better than the previous and the time is right to do the right thing for the sub-Saharan African children.

Education and technology is the only powerful tool one can use to bring a positive change our world. It's the remedy against childhood delinquencies which leads to the ills of our civilized society. An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Evil is defeated with positive ideas. Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. Not to speak is to speak and not to act is to act.

HEAFA International needs the international donor communities support to bring hope to the despaired communities of sub-Saharan Africa. Help HEAFA International succeed in its mission to promote computer literacy by dispensing one million computers into the sub-Saharan African classrooms by 2015. Corporate sponsorship and partnership welcome.

Contribute to the right cause: Donate your well used books, computers, laptop and flat screen monitors to help the children of sub-Saharan Africa with the gift of world-class education. Visit our website: www.heafai.org and use paypal to contribute to ship books to Africa.
