The Guide warns of danger ahead due to water crisis expected to hit Ghana. In a lead headline story: "Danger!
...Water crisis to hit Ghana", the paper says the country is to face serious water problem in coming years because of the ?nonchalant? attitude towards the protection of water sources. According to the Guide, the government?s lack of commitment to the management of water resources is also hastening the destruction of such endowment and creating drought, which is fast spreading throughout the country. The paper quotes?impeccable? sources as saying even though the Water Resources Management was formed in 1996, to manage raw water sources and protect them, the government has shown no commitment to this all important body. It says the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), which is supporting the Water Resources Management, is threatening to withdraw. The Guide says so far, DANIDA has spent about 500 million cedis in providing offices, air-conditioners, computers, vehicles for the staff, but surprisingly, the government has failed to provide the about 100 million cedis counterpart funding yearly to take care of the staff. "The offices and facilities lie idle without anybody manning them", the paper quotes a source as saying.