Editorial News of Monday, 15 March 2021

Source: theheraldghana.com

The Herald Ghana: LGBTQ+ Rights Ghana don’t need protection because their existence is illegal

File Photo: LGBTQI File Photo: LGBTQI

In furtherance of their agenda to continue insulting our sensibilities and values, the LGBTQ+ Rights Ghana, has written to president Akufo-Addo, seeking an opportunity to interact with him on issues affecting their community members. According to them, the President's interview with Aljazeera in 2017, gave them hope, but attacks on the community have worsened in recent times.

The president in an interview on Al Jazeera's Talk To Al Jazeera hosted by Jane Dutton, said a sufficiently strong coalition is bound to emerge in the future that will eventually push for a change in the law.

"I don't believe that in Ghana so far, a sufficiently strong coalition, has emerged which is having that impact on public opinion that will say change it, let's then have a new paradigm in Ghana," he said.

When he was pushed further on whether he would support such a campaign he said: "I think that it is something that is bound to happen".

This statement in the opinion of this newspaper is what has emboldened the LGBTQ+ Rights Ghana, to officially open an office in a suburb of Tesano for their activities.

The latest call, which is a letter addressed to the president for a meeting, comes at a time when well-meaning Ghanaians, including the Clergy and the Muslim leadership, have called on the government to make an emphatic statement on the country's stance on LGBTQ.

Although, the president has indicated that LGBTQ, will not be legalized under his presidency, the responsibility lies on him to promulgate a law that makes it illegal.

This newspaper is worried that Ghana's profile as a haven for LGBTQ+ Rights is steadily on the rise , and this is the reason why, international celebrities with roots in Ghana, including Idris Elba, who is not a gay by the way, last week signed a letter, asking our government to recognize the rights of LGBTQ group.

Something must be done quick to stop them in their tracks, if not the country may earn the unenviable title of 'Africa's capital for LGBTQ.'

In our considered opinion, this is developing into a disturbing scenario, because of moral decay in the society.