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General News of Tuesday, 19 February 2002


"The Heritage" Newspaper Lunched

The Minister of Information and Presidential Affairs, Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey, yesterday launched a 16-page newspaper, The Heritage, with advise to editors to research well into issues before publishing. He said good information is what will keep the paper alive.

In a speech read for him by Mr. Cyril Acolatse, the Chairman of the National Media Commission, Mr. Nutifafa Kuenyehia said it is a pity that most of the private papers are circulated in Accra due to lack of network for distribution. He advised collaboration between the publishers and the national network to transport their papers countrywide.

He also asked advertisers not to be selective.

On the issue of newspaper review Mr. Kuenyehia advised publishers of newspapers and managers of the electronic media to engage in healthy dialogue to see how best they can positively influence the economic buoyancy of each other, in obvious reference to PRINPAG's letter to radio stations complaining about newspaper reviews.

The General Manager and Editor of The Heritage Mr. Stephen Owusu said the paper is non-partisan and aims at promoting robust discussion on national and international issues to further the cause of good governance and champion the observance of human rights whilst holding the national interest paramount.