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Politics of Thursday, 8 January 2009

Source: GNA

The MYPD welcomes Prof. Atta Mills into office.

Accra, Jan. 8, GNA - The Movement for Youth, Peace and Development (MYPD), on Wednesday, welcomed John Evans Atta Mills into office as the President of the Republic of Ghana. The MYPD in a press statement issued by its administrator, Joseph Tetteh, acknowledged the efforts of Ghanaian leaders to entrench democracy and called on the in-coming government to address issues on the promotion of national integration and responsible parenting.

The statement said the MYPD wanted professor Mills to put in place measures that would disabuse the minds of the youth from all forms of discrimination. "We suggest that the boarding system of education should be revisited and boarding facilities provided for all second cycle institutions in Ghana to ensure that about 85 per cent of Ghanaian children were able to access boarding education by the year 2012," the statement said.

The statement added that if the boarding system is practiced comprehensively and effectively, it would serve as a good tool for the promotion of national integration. It said the MYPD was worried by the emerging trend of the refusal of many men in Ghana to attend to their primary responsibility of providing for their children.

"It puts the government in the uncomfortable situation of battling problems such as theft, armed robbery, illiteracy, joblessness and poverty, most of which can be prevented if careful attention is given to good parenting", the statement added. It called on the government to introduce effective policies and legislations that would promote good parenting for the good of Ghanaian youth and the nation as a whole.