General News of Thursday, 4 August 2011

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The Real Facts About The New Juaben Stool

On Tuesday, 21st June, 2011, a disappointed and disqualified aspirant to the Yiadom-Hwedie Royal Stool of New Juaben supported by a few sub-Chiefs who do not want to follow the laid-down customary processes and the procedure under the Chieftaincy Act to address their grievances, if any, held a press conference and organized some youth to demonstrate on the grounds of what they perceived to be “the fallen standards of customs and tradition of the people of New Juaben” and made certain baseless and misleading allegations against the Omanhene, the progressive Daasebre Prof. [Emeritus] Oti Boateng.

They presented a petition to the Regional Minister with copies to the Traditional Council and others. On Friday 24 June 2011, the Traditional Council met and found that the allegations were wholly unfounded. However, in order to help educate the youth of New Juaben and the public in general on the cultural and traditional practices, the history and unity of the royal family of New Juaben and Asante Juaben and chieftaincy affairs in New Juaben State as well as the contributions of Nananom to the socio-economic development of the New Juaben State since the enstoolment of Daasebre in October, 1992, a Committee was appointed by the Traditional Council to study the issues raised in the petition and consider the appropriate measures to be taken to correct the misconceptions created in the minds of the unsuspecting public. Based on the findings of the Committee, the Council comments as follows:

Events Preceding Daasebre Oti Boateng’s Enstoolment:

The Yiadom-Hwedie Royal Family, from which a Paramount Chief is chosen for either New Juaben or Asante Juaben, is a closely-knit royal family. Daasebre Prof. Emeritus Oti Boateng is the Uncle of Odehye Topen Siriboe, with Daasebre’s grandmother, Nana Akosua Kyem, and Odehye Topen’s great grandmother, Nana Ama Bonsu, being the daughters of one ancestress, Nana Akua Boatemaa.

When the New Juaben Stool became vacant in 1990 following the death of Daasebre Kwaku Boateng II, Odehye Topen was nominated by the late Queenmother, Nana Juaben Serwaa, for the Stool but was disqualified on the grounds of his misbehaviour and conduct unbecoming of an aspirant of a Paramount Stool by a Committee of Enquiry set up by the Government of the Provisional National Defence Council [PNDC] under the chairmanship of the late Nana Ahunako Acquah, Omanhene of Gomoah Assin Traditional Area, to investigate the New Juaben Chieftaincy Affairs.

A Government White Paper on the Report of the Committee of Enquiry which was set up pursuant to Executive Instrument number 27 of 26 October 1991 by the PNDC indicated, among others, that Odehye Topen was guilty of “severally violating custom during his period of confinement” and that “these tabooed misdemeanours automatically disqualified him from being installed a chief”. The Committee recommended that the Queenmother should submit a fresh nomination to the Kingmakers for consideration.

The Queenmother then approached Dr. Emmanuel Oti Boateng, a royal of the Yiadom-Hwedie Stool and the then Chief Government Statistician of Ghana on three occasions accompanied by the Gyaasehene, the late Asumenamuhene, and the Adahemaa, among others, to accept her decision to nominate him for election and installation as a Paramount Chief of New Juaben State. It is on record that Dr. Oti Boateng initially declined the offer and that it took the interventions of several people including the present Queen of Ashanti, Nana Afua Kobi Ampem, to finally persuade him to accept the offer of nomination.

Following his nomination and unanimous acceptance by the Kingmakers, Dr. Oti Boateng was enstooled as the Omanhene of the New Juaben Traditional State on 26th October 1992 with the Stool name of Daasebre Oti Boateng. For nearly nineteen years he has led his people to great prosperity rarely experienced in the New Juaben Traditional Area.

Since then the disgruntled Odehye Topen Siriboe has been going round making all sorts of allegations and fabricated stories against Daasebre to promote his vested interest and avowed aim of replacing him as Omanhene. It is therefore not surprising that in their press conference and petition to the Regional Minister copied to the Traditional Council they have called for the abdication of the Omanhene and ignominiously referred to Odehye Topen as “future Omanhene” instead of one of the royals or heirs presumptive entitled to ascend the Yiadom-Hwedie Stool, subject to good behaviour and unblemished character.

Style of Leadership:
It is erroneous to refer to Daasebre Oti Boateng’s style of leadership as dictatorial or autocratic. The administration of the Traditional Authority is governed by time-honoured traditions and customs and the Chieftaincy Act and Regulations made thereunder. Under the leadership of Daasebre, Standing Orders were promulgated for the New Juaben Traditional Council on 21st February 2003 in order to ensure more effective regulation of the Council’s affairs.

Topics covered in the Standing Orders include the following:-
Place and Frequency of Meetings, General Conduct of Business, Motions and Amendments, Breaches of Order and Discipline, Appointment of Standing Committee and Membership. Copies of the Standing Orders were submitted to
all Members of the New Juaben Traditional Council on 3rd March 2003. Copies were also forwarded to the National House of Chiefs through the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs.

It should be noted that both the Chieftaincy Act, 2008 [Act 759] and the New Juaben Traditional Council Standing Orders of 2003 stipulate the frequency of meetings, which is scrupulously adhered to. It is therefore either out of mischief or ignorance or both for anyone or a chief in the New Juaben Traditional Area to misinform the public of the non-existence of Standing Orders for the Council.

The Omanhene, Daasebre Oti Boateng, is indeed a world leader in achievement with abundance of leadership qualities. As a royal of the Yiadom-Hwedie Stool, his social background was carefully examined by the Kingmakers, family and all concerned in the process of his selection and enstoolment as Omanhene. He has demonstrated his excellent and outstanding leadership qualities since his enstoolment. This is exemplified by his inherent and unique skills as a good listener of all shades of opinion and suggestions before making a final decision.
In recognition of his sterling qualities, Daasebre was bestowed with the National Honours Award of the Order of Officer of the Volta on 3rd July, 2008, “for his outstanding career in Public Service and Traditional Leadership.” Again in a goodwill message at the 2008 Akwantukese Festival, the President of Livingston Chamber of Commerce in Western New York, United States, wrote among others, “we honour the Omanhene for his able leadership and commitment to promote peace and strengthen unity among the chiefs and people of the New Juaben Traditional Area.” How on earth can such a leader be described by anyone as power-drunk?

Daasebre conducts his traditional affairs in accordance with the laid-down customary rules and procedures. Indeed, the time-honoured traditions and customs leave no room for arbitrary, capricious or autocratic rule. Hence, the accusation that the Omanhene’s style of leadership is autocratic is unfounded and has no basis whatsoever.

Redress of Grievances:
It has never been the custom nor the practice to use the medium of public demonstration to address chieftaincy issues. At a Press Conference on 3rd June 2011 to thank the youth and people of the Traditional Area for their enthusiasm and overwhelming support in welcoming the President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, during his visit to the Eastern Region on 31st May, 2011, the Traditional Council assured “any person or group which is aggrieved to bring forward their grievances for the necessary measures to be taken to redress them. All such grievances and concerns should be channeled through the Registrar of the Traditional Council to the Traditional Authority for peaceful resolution so as not to disturb the prevailing peaceful atmosphere and the ongoing development projects in the Traditional Area.”

In spite of the above and for reasons best known to themselves, the petitioners chose the unorthodox and uncustomary method of a public demonstration to air their perceived grievances.

Relationship Between New Juaben and the Golden Stool:
On the relationship between New Juaben and the Golden Stool, the New Juaben Traditional Council wishes to state that the relationship had not strained but has rather been strengthened. Traditionally, Otumfuo is a senior brother of Daasebre and they continue to have cordial inter-relationship.

Hierarchy of Priests:

On the hierarchy of Priests alluded to, the tradition is for the Priests and Priestess to choose their own leader but not the responsibility of the Omanhene to do so. Such a choice is usually presented to the Omanhene through the Nsumankwahene.

The Traditional Council Registrars like all other Civil Servants are subject to postings and transfers by their superiors, that is, the Regional Registrar or the Chief Director of the Ministry of Chieftaincy Affairs. It is not the prerogative of Presidents of Traditional Councils to effect postings and transfers. Daasebre has never ever signed posting or sacking letters of Registrars to the Traditional Council.

Traditional Council Accounts
The Accounts of the New Juaben Traditional Council, like any other Traditional Council, are audited by the Auditor-General. It is therefore erroneous for anyone to assume or allude that there is no accountability within the New Juaben Traditional Council.

The Traditional Area has a Queenmother in the person of Nana Yaa Daani II who was enstooled in May 2000. Since the Queenmother’s Stool is not vacant; the demand for Daasebre to appoint a new Queenmother has no basis.

On the appointment of Abusuapanin for Yiadom-Hwedie Royal Family, it is on record that the matter had been discussed extensively at the family meeting on 14th December, 2010 at Juaben Ashanti and that the following were the broad decisions reached;

That the meeting agreed with the submission of the most senior Royal of the Yiadom-Hwedie Family and an ex-Queenmother of the Stool, Nana Akosua Oheneafrewuo, and reaffirmed the customary process which must be followed before an Abusuapanin is chosen for the Yiadom-Hwedie family as follows:-

* That, there is one and only one Yiadom-Hwedie Family and as such there
should be only one Abusuapanin or Head of Family as custom demands.

* That, before an Abusuapanin is chosen, a special meeting of all the family
must be convened for that purpose at which meeting the Abusuapanin is

* That it is against custom for a section of the family to choose an Abusuapanin
and attempt to impose him on the rest.

* That Odehye Topen’s attempt to force someone purported to be an
Abusuapanin on the Omanhene of New Juaben and the rest of the family was
uncustomary and against the norms and virtues of the Yiadom-Hwedie Stool.

The Omanhene is well-versed in the traditions, customs and values of the Traditional Area and has always respected and acted in strict conformity with them.
The New Juaben Traditional Area has seen massive developments during the reign of Daasebre Prof. Oti Boateng.


The Omanhene’s Palace has undergone major structural changes and expanded facilities to make it one of the most modern in the country, attracting tourist from Ghana and abroad. The Palace is used continuously for all traditional and official functions. Important dignitaries to the New Juaben State are also received in the Palace.


Daasebre instituted the New Juaben Akwantukese Festival in 1997 to strengthen the unity of the people, mobilize them for development, educate them on their origins, migration, tradition and customs, re-enforce New Juaben and Ashanti unity and promote culture and tourism among other objectives. Two years after its inception, the festival won national and international acclaim as it marked the “Host Day” celebration forming part of the joint 33rd World Tourism Organization [WTO], Commission for Africa [CAF] Meeting, 24th Africa Travel Association [ATA] Annual Congress and the Convocation of the African Ministers of Tourism.

New Juaben Development Board:

Daasebre’s inspiring and visionary leadership brought together Corporate Executives, Professionals and other eminent citizens of New Juaben to form the New Juaben Development Board in 2004 to ensure that appropriate structures are put in place for accelerated development, wealth creation and poverty reduction in the New Juaben State.
The Board in collaboration with the Traditional Council set up a Development Fund in October 2005 which among others financially supports the youth and competent but needy students in the Traditional Area.

Chieftaincy Development:

Daasebre has broken new grounds with the creation of a new Ntotoye Division which has received the approbation of the National House of Chiefs. This has positively responded to the numerous planning and protocol challenges facing the chieftaincy institution in Ghana and is expected to bring tradition and modernity in harmony.

Foreign Relations:

Under the influential leadership of Daasebre, a High Powered Delegation from New Juaben Traditional Area including the Municipal Chief Executive, Heads of Educational Institutions, Professionals, and Business Executives paid a ten-day working visit to Livingston County Chamber of Commerce and Rochester City, Western New York, in 2008, which led to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding. These Agreements are already generating viable, mutual beneficial relations between New Juaben and Western New York. It has led to the establishment of the New Juaben Chamber of Commerce for accelerated development.

Housing and Infrastructure:
During the first five years of Daasebre’s reign, the Traditional Area also saw significant developments including the upgrading of electricity supply, pavement of some roads and the construction of SSNIT Estates at Adweso. SSNIT has even completed a second phase of its Housing project in the Traditional Area. Many more road and infrastructure projects have since been completed in the Traditional Area such as the 9 km dual-carriage by-pass from Mile 50 to Oyoko with full lighting facilities.

During Daasebre’s reign, Koforidua General Hospital has been renovated and upgraded to a Regional Hospital. Recently a 200-Bed Orthopedic Centre at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Effiduase, has been commissioned to add to the health facilities in the Traditional Area.

Local Investments
There has been a massive expansion of new corporate businesses including the New Royal Mac Dic Plaza and Capital View Hotels to meet the demands of flourishing businesses in the Traditional Area.

Over 32 School Buildings, Libraries, Teachers and Nurses Quarters, have been constructed during Daasebre’s reign. It is significant that during this period, two Tertiary Institutions, namely, Koforidua Polytechnic and The All Nations University, have been established in the Traditional Area. It is also worth mentioning that Daasebre is the Chancellor of The All Nations University.

It is the sacred duty of royals and children of the Stool to maintain the dignity, respect and observance of the traditions, customs and usages appertaining to the Stool and to demonstrate a committed loyalty to its occupant.
The New Juaben Traditional Council views the demonstration as a gross disregard for the laid down procedures for seeking redress in chieftaincy, customary and traditional affairs and condemns it without any reservations. That type of mischievous means of seeking redress should not be entertained in the affairs of the time-honoured chieftaincy institution since it will only succeed in breeding conflicts and chaos.
The Yiadom-Hwedie Stool universally commands honour and dignity, which Daasebre has advanced and maintained to the admiration of all and sundry. The New Juaben Traditional Council wishes to place on record its confidence in Daasebre Oti Boateng and its appreciation for the unparalled progress and development in the New Juaben Traditional Area during his reign.

Signed on behalf of The New Juaben Traditional Council

Nana Bobie Danquah III Gyaasehene of New Juaben
Nana Okoawia Dwomoh Baabu II Nifahene of New Juaben
Nana Ofosu Akyeaw Brempong Ntotoyehene
Nana Osei Owusu Agyare Akwadumhene
Nana Owusu Asante Kwatia Aboafuohene
Nana Kwadwo Ababio Benkumhene Representative
Nana Akosua Afrakoma II Adwampohemaa
Nana Akwasi Asante II Asokwahene
Nana Ani Bonsu Apesemakahene
Nana Owusu Akyeaw Akradwafuohene
Nana Akomah Anima II Adontenhemaa
Nana Kwame Oppong-Owusu III Jumapohene
Nana Kwagyan Boateng Santahene
Nana Frempong Manso Nsumankwahene
Nana Baah Acheamfuor Ampah Baamuhene
Nana Ama Awi II Benkumhemaa
Kyeame Amo Boakye Kyeame
Kyeame Ofori Atta Kyeame
Nana Kwame Baafi Yeboah Ntaharahene
Nana Bobie Fokuo II Abenasehene
Nana Ofori Sekyi Nkwanyahene

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