General News of Friday, 10 June 2005

Source: Palaver

The Untold Story Of Victor Selormey!

Owusu Boadu?s ?LEEBDA? exists ?

Palaver -- As we published in our issue Vol. 11 No. 54 of Tuesday, April 26 ? Thursday, April 28, 2005, the late NDC Deputy Minister of Finance Victor Selormey went to prison not because he was guilty, but because the NPP Government made it impossible for the one person who could have saved him from a prison sentence, Professor Frederick Owusu-Boadu, to have given evidence on his behalf by charging him as a co-conspirator who therefore risked arrest and detention himself if he dared step in Ghana.

In the course of the trial, the prosecution led some kind of evidence to try to prove that the Company on whose behalf Professor Owusu-Boadu procured the contract for the Court Computerisation Project, LEEBDA Ltd, did not exist.

Try as Victor did, the prosecution would not budge and it appeared the judge ?bought? that story.

All along, however, evidence of LEEBDA?s existence existed, and this fact was known to the prosecution, but out of fear, they would not make that evidence available.

Today, now that Victor Selormey is dead, ?Ghana Palaver? has laid hands on a copy of the exonerating and exculpatory evidence that establishes beyond any reasonable doubt that LEEBDA, an acronym for ?Law, Economics, Engineering and Business Development Associates?, does exist, registered on March 4,1995, in the state of Texas, USA, in the county of Brazos, with File Number 577045.

And believe it or not, this evidence has come from the same prosecution sources that got a witness to come and swear in court that LEEBDA did not exist, except of course the source has sworn us to secrecy and confidentiality.

?I am doing it to save my conscience?, the source said.

We will publish in our next issue the certification of LEEBDA Ltd by Karen Mc Queen, County Clerk of Brazos County, Texas, and a copy of the testimonial signed by Rick Perry, Governor of the state of Texas, as well as the self-certification form filled in and signed by Professor Frederick Owusu-Boadu.

Now shall we have the witness who claimed that LEEBDA did not exist step forward to contradict this evidence, or shall he now confess as to who put him up to that perjured evidence?

It will be recalled that in an earlier publication, we revealed that the NPP actually knew that LEEBDA existed, because they had been doing business with Professor Owusu-Boadu after they had come into office.

In our Vol. 10 No. 3 of Friday, October 17 ? Monday, October 20, 2003, we reported that the NPP Government had hired Professor Owusu-Boadu to produce a ?City Development Strategy? document for Kumasi, a project proposal approved by the World Bank and for which at the time of our publication, a US$75,000 Project Preparation Facility had been released to the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly.

The Project itself had originally been meant for four secondary cities but had been hijacked by the Ashanti cabal within the NPP for Kumasi only.

The presentation made to the World Bank by Mr. Kofi Jumah, alias Kofi Ghana, the then Kumasi Metropolitan Chief Executive, as well as the entire correspondence that were exchanged with the World Bank, were all authored by Professor Owusu-Boadu.

?Ghana Palaver? wonders whether the NPP is aware that the Professor Owusu-Boadu with whom they have been dealing is the same Professor Owusu-Boadu who was wanted as a co-accused with Victor Selormey in the Court Computerisation Case.

But it is the same Professor Owusu-Boadu whose work on the Feasibility Study for the ?Technology Theme Park? forms the basis for the prosecution and trial of Hon. Dan Abodakpi, former NDC Minister of Trade and Industry and the late former NDC Deputy Minister of Finance Victor Selormey, which trial was ongoing at the time of Victor?s death.

?Ghana Palaver? is determined to ?dig deep? to redeem and salvage Victor Selormey?s good name, even if posthumously.

And believe it or not, this evidence has come from the same prosecution sources that got a witness to come and swear in court that LEEBDA did not exist, except of course the source has sworn us to secrecy and confidentiality.

?I am doing it to save my conscience?, the source said.
