General News of Saturday, 15 December 2012

Source: Kanyiri, Bayor Cephas

The Voters View

In the year 1991 the National
Commission for Democracy (NCD) was empowered to hold regional debates and
formulate some suggestions for a transition to multi-party democracy upon
request from the opposition with pressure from the United States through the
CIA. In March of that year the NCD released a report recommending the election
of an executive president, the establishment of a national assembly, and the
creation of a prime minister post. The government at that time accepted the
report, and the following year it was approved in a national referendum,
therefore Political parties were legalized.
This was then the beginning of
the fourth republic and it is now twenty years after Ghana entered the fourth
republic dispensation. There have been six successive general elections and after
or before the results are declared parties and people usually refuse to
concede, points accusing fingers at each other, the electoral commission or the
ruling party that the election was rigged. Therefore rejects the results and all
the same there have been peace since but there are some factors that raise these
allegations that, sometime parties and people put out.
Most people in Ghana join or
follow political parties simply because of what they will benefit or reap when
the party comes to power and they always go like” seek ye first electoral
victory and all other things shall be added unto you”. Individuals and
Supporters of political parties invest a lot of money, time and energy into
political party’s campaign and therefore expect to get positions, contracts and
other things including the money they used to sponsor the party when it comes
to power. The winner takes all system in Ghana has in one way or the other
affected the election results since people lose or gain contracts on the
advantage of the winning party. The average Ghanaian is always looking to
someone to help or provide for him.
After every election in Ghana,
some Ghanaians lose their jobs for no other reason than the mere perception
that they belong to the losing party. In
Ghana if you endorse a candidate you better pray that the party wins or your
business will collapse because you will become a target of those in power. One
feature of our multi – party democracy is that every party in power ceases to
see Ghanaians as simply Ghanaians. They divide Ghanaians into those who support
them and those who support their opponents and they seem to work against those
who support their opponents.
Another point is that some party
agents are not committed and honest to their respective parties if not, why
would parties come out to reject the results saying the election was rigged.
Until party agents show their loyalty to their respective parties there will
always be a challenge of election results. I think the party agents are to
represent their parties at the polling station but this is not the case, they
rather consider their interest first and not the party’s interest. Again party
supporters and followers are not also sincere to their party and therefore they
vote according to their interest. Watch the way parliamentary results are far
different from the presidential results of the same party at a particular
constituency “voting skirt and blouse” and you will understand what I mean,
This also contribute to rejection of the results since the party expect to get
if not the same but almost close results for both the parliamentary and
Political control otherwise the
“power” is one the major causes why allegations are raised concerning election
results. Most parties in power would not like to loss it just as their
opponents, simply because they want to rule. Power seems to put the nation’s
resources to the advantage of the ruling party and gives them control over
everything in the country therefore parties just want to gain power and would
reject election results if it does not favour them.
I give praise to the almighty
God for seeing us through our elections. I recommend our security services for the
good work and also providing adequate security throughout the period of every
election. The security service should still continue to do this good job for
the nation so that Ghana will improve its democracy. The average Ghanaian is
also a peace loving citizen and there will not be chaos when election results
are declared. I want to urge all Ghanaians that we should continue to tolerate
each other and Ghana will live long. For there would not be an election in
Ghana where you will not find parties and people claiming that it has been
rigged after all we are in Africa and we have seen the outcome of an African
election results.
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