General News of Monday, 19 October 1998

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The blind not happy about public apathy

Kumasi (Ashanti Region) 17 Oct. '98 The Ashanti Regional branch of the Ghana Association of the Blind (GAB) has deplored the unsympathetic and indifferent attitude of the public towards the blind.

Mr Alfred Mensah, president of the association, said this at a ceremony marking the White Cane Day celebration in Kumasi on October 16.

He said the blind, by their handicap, are beset with numerous problems but appeals which are made for assistance fall on deaf ears because the general public ignore their plight and fail to sympathise with them.

In view of this, he said, the GAB has appealed to the government to set up a disabled council which would cater for the affairs of the blind.

Mr Mensah appealed to the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) and the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council for office accommodation.

Nana Kofi Genfi, managing director of Nurom Hotel, who chaired the function, called on the government to offer free education and medical care to the blind.

He said those who have the necessary qualification should be offered employment. GRi