General News of Monday, 28 October 2024


The chilling details of how two brothers were killed by gunmen around Bawku while burying their father

Abee Waqas is said to have been shot and killed alongside his elder brother by gunmen Abee Waqas is said to have been shot and killed alongside his elder brother by gunmen

A religious page on Facebook, Darulhadith, which describes itself as an Islamic organization strictly based on the establishment of Sunnah and the eradication of innovation (bid’ah) has shared chilling details of some killings that happened at Bawku on Sunday, October 27, 2024.

According to the page, in the afternoon of Sunday, some gunmen in the Bawku area killed one Abee Waqas, as he was attending the funeral of his father.

The post added that the father of this man had died on Friday.

It added that having been denied access into the Bawku township due to the ensuing chieftaincy conflict, Abee Waqas and his family, together with one of his brothers who was also shot, decided to return to Bolgatanga.

On their way, the post added, they were attacked by some gunmen and without any confrontation, were shot on the spot, killing them.

“Earlier this afternoon, gunmen in the Bawku area killed our brother and friend Abee Waqas who was attending the funeral of his father who died on Friday.

“They were denied entry into the Bawku township because of the chieftaincy dispute that resurfaced some few days ago. So, they decided to return to Bolga to take the next step. They were followed by some unknown gunmen and were instructed to step down from their vehicle,” the post read.

It continued that “The elderly brother stepped out to explain their mission and he was shot immediately and Abee Waqas followed and he was also shot without given the chance to explain.”

The page further explained that the last of the brother got lucky after he bolted into the bush.

“The younger one among them decided to use the back door into the bush and he was saved by Allah’s will. Abee Waqas and the rest who died were buried this evening.

“May Allah grant him, his dad and all those who died mercy, and may they be welcomed into Jannah. May Allah provide comfort and strength to their loved ones during this difficult time. Aameen,” it concluded.

Earlier, GhanaWeb reported that gunmen have blocked the Bolgatanga-Tamale route near Gbimsi, a village near Walewale, and opened fire, killing eight travelers.

The armed men erected barricades in Gbimsi and Walewale Town on Sunday in order to identify possible targets.

About eight individuals were killed in the fatal incident, which raised serious security concerns. Passengers caught in the barricade were questioned about their identity. Two vehicles were also set on fire.

“I was travelling from Sunyani to Paga. Upon reaching Walewale, people had mounted roadblocks and were searching for individuals to kill. The incident lasted for more than an hour, yet security did not respond,” a survivor recounted the terrifying ordeal in a report by

The ongoing Bawku Conflict, which has resurfaced following a period of relative calm, is thought to be connected to the attack.

Meanwhile, travelers may expect more protection along the route in the days ahead, according to the Ghana Police Service.

The Ghana Police Service said in a statement that they are trying to handle the security situation along the Bolgatanga-Walewale-Tamale highway, in Bawku, and in the adjacent communities.

In order to maintain security and control traffic, the police and military have a coordinated deployment along the Bolgatanga-Walewale-Tamale route in addition to Bawku and the surrounding area.

“The security agencies would like to once again assure the public that we are committed to maintaining peace, security, law and order in Bawku and its environs,” a statement from the police said.

See the post on the killing of Abee Waqas below: