General News of Saturday, 1 January 2005

Source: GNA

The worldly ushering in of New Year

Once again people have demonstrated their innate liberty endowed them by the creator to decide where to spend their time at a given point, even during the observance of a remarkable event like the New Year.

Many were those who thronged Churches in the Accra metropolis on Friday to usher in the year 2005 amidst prayers, singing, praises and shouts of jubilation.

But others did not believe that being in the house of God to offer supplications and reverence could guarantee good omen and success in the coming year.

When in the stream of events, the Ghana News Agency (GNA) visited parts of Accra, the nation's capital, the city was sparkled with beaming dazzling brightness of firecrackers thrown into the sky by some merry makers, to welcome the year 2005.

The blast of firecrackers quickly stirred the strings of fear of innocent by-passers and jubilant crowd and onlookers were thrown into frenzy and ecstasy.

Some children on the streets were glued to television sets provided by good Samaritans at vantage points to watch the turn of events. The most amazing locations at the metropolis where the night was celebrated in style were the clubs and bars sprawled all over the city. The display of liquor was at its height and some people were in tipsy mode, others intoxicated or in a stupor.

It appeared the night was a bumper season for operators of the drinking bars as they made their sale while people drunk to celebrate their achievements or let them forget about the woes of the previous year.

At the Hawk bar in Mamprobi, people were seen commemoration the New Year with music probably running through veins. When the GNA talked to some people at the bar, they said 2004 was gone with its woes and that it was important to welcome 2005 in joy and with hopes of better prospects.

Gold House, a restaurant at Dansoman, was charged beyond imagination, as the centre could hardly contain the jubilation and excitement as those making merry danced to a variety of music as if to "bury the troubles of 2004" and invoke blessings for 2005. Boomerang, a club at Caprice, near Alajo was heated as the attendants were busily serving their customers.

Indeed the spectacle at almost all the drinking spots was that of exuberant young men, some maybe from rich homes but with chequered lifestyle displaying money and extravagance in the form of luxurious cars, expensive outfits to depict their status.

Some of the people the GNA talked to expect that 2005 would bring good tidings their way but as to whether where they chose to be was sufficient to ensure the fulfilment their dreams , only fate could tell. 1 Jan 05