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General News of Tuesday, 2 July 2024


There is no need to fast and pray for a visa if we have good leaders – Ben Dotsei Malor

Former Deputy Editor of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Ben Dotsei Malor Former Deputy Editor of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Ben Dotsei Malor

Former Deputy Editor of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Ben Dotsei Malor, has raised concerns over the country's lack of good leadership in recent times.

He believes that elected leaders in various institutions have failed the citizenry.

According to him, widespread corruption and bad governance have become a pandemic in society, causing the country to regress.

Speaking in an exclusive interview on JoyNews' AM Show on July 1, marking Ghana's Republic Day, Ben Dotsei Malor said citizens shouldn't have to pray and fast just to secure a visa to travel.

"Some of the prayers we are fasting and praying for in church, if we had good leadership, we wouldn't need to pray those prayers," he lamented.

He opined that individuals who do not possess good morals and exhibit key qualities of leadership on a personal level cannot fulfill the mandate to lead.

"We have failed our people. Leadership is critically needed on personal levels, entity levels, in communities, and between you and me. Iron sharpens iron," he stressed.

Emphasizing the role of critical leadership, Dotsei Malor believes Ghana's recurring issues associated with brain drain, among other economic woes, will be eliminated if our leaders ensure that systems and structures are properly in place.


Ghana’s leading digital news platform, GhanaWeb, in conjunction with the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, is embarking on an aggressive campaign which is geared towards ensuring that parliament passes comprehensive legislation to guide organ harvesting, organ donation, and organ transplantation in the country.

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