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General News of Tuesday, 29 November 2022


There's nothing more I could have asked for in a partner - Lordina marks Mahama's 64th birthday

The couple, John and Lordina Mahama, pose for the camera The couple, John and Lordina Mahama, pose for the camera

The former First Lady of Ghana, Lordina Mahama, has described her husband, President John Dramani Mahama, as her perfect life partner.

In a message to the former president as he marks his 64th birthday on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, Lordina expressed her love to her husband and called for God’s blessings upon his life.

“On your 64th birthday, all I ask for is God’s continuous blessings upon your life, John Dramani Mahama.

“You have been a dependable husband and inspiring father. Our Good Lord has blessed you with robust health, a great sense of judgement and a pure heart. There is nothing more I could have asked for in a life partner.

“I love you now, more than ever before. Happy birthday, John,” she wrote.

The couple recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary in what turned out to be a colourful, joyous celebration.

With several photos of the couple shared across multiple online platforms, they climaxed their anniversary with the inauguration of a Maternity and Children’s Ward for the Bole District Hospital.

See Lordina Mahama’s message to John Dramani Mahama below: