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Regional News of Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Source: GNA

Thirty-three people killed in road accidents in Kwahu West

Nkawkaw, Jan 19, GNA - A total of 32 people lost their lives in 46 roa= d accidents involving 70 vehicles in the Kwahu West Municipality last year. Many of the accidents occurred on the Accra-Kumasi road, one of the accidents prone areas in the country. About 362 sustained injuries, the Municipal Fire Officer of the Ghana National Fire Service, Mr Edward Addae-Baffour, told the GNA. He said 14 fire out-breaks were also recorded in the municipality due to carelessness, overloading of electrical sockets and negligence. Mr Addae-Baafour said four vehicles and personal effects worth 1.4 million cedis were destroyed. He advised farmers, palm wine tapers and chain-saw operators to be extra careful during the dry season to avoid bushfires. He urged those who use liquid petroleum gas (LPG), to place their cylinders some distances away from their burners to avoid fire outbreak in their homes.