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Politics of Friday, 2 February 2024


This is why Allotey Jacobs believe politicians in Ghana don't speak the truth

Bernard Allotey Jacobs play videoBernard Allotey Jacobs

Bernard Allotey Jacobs has taken a swipe at Ghanaian politicians, lashing out at them for taking delight in deceiving the citizenry.

According to the former NDC Central Regional Chairman, Ghana's politics has been soiled with violence and lies on the part of the politicians.

He noted that the politicians know many Ghanaians are gullible, therefore would do everything to take advantage of their gullibility to advance their political interests.

Allotey Jacobs, speaking on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", strongly opined that the way politics is practiced in the country isn't helping the nation to move forward.

"We've disinformed them, misinform, so anything that comes into the political space, there's a devil in the detail. That is Ghana's greatest problem because we, the politicians, don't speak the truth"

"Our type of politics is quite different. It's either suspicion, violence, win, lose or destroy. That is the African mentality towards the democracy that was introduced by the western world...Due to this, there is no improvement in our politics", he stated.

He made this point while discussing the opposition National Democratic Congress' position on the change of election date from December 7 to November.