General News of Friday, 24 November 2006

Source: Times

Three Killed By Falling Mast

Three workers of Reime Ghana Limited, a sub-contractor of Areeba Network, were killed and three others injured here on Wednesday when an iron mast they were erecting fell with them hooked to it.

They were erecting a 130-metre mast at Asufufuo in Sunyani, but after mounting up to the 24-metre mark, one of the four ropes being pulled by the other workers to support it, tore and they lost their balance.

The dead were identified as Thomas Devor, from Mankranso, Bismark Kofi and the third, only known as Captain, both from Sunyani. Those injured are Godson Ackuah, Michael Kumi and Christopher Koblah who are said to be responding to treatment.

Sunyani Municipal police commander, C.T. Yohonu, who confirmed the story to the Times wondered why ropes, instead of a crane were used to erect such a mast.

The site engineer, Nicholas Amematey said the project was the third of its kind after two at Kukuom and Sankore.According to him, Reime Ghana Limited has worked with Areeba since 1997 and has never experienced such a tragedy.