General News of Sunday, 7 March 2004

Source: GNA

Three vehicles in accident on Independence Day

Accra, Mar 7, GNA - A mummy truck driven by Seidu Mamadu on Independence Day collided with a taxi and a saloon car at the Kaneshie Complex junction in Accra.

The driver of the taxi, Aloga Ayika Baba, 20, escaped unhurt but a lady passenger sustained injuries and was rushed to the Holy Trinity clinic at North Kaneshie for treatment.

According to an eyewitness, the driver of the mummy truck lost control when the breaks of the vehicle failed at the junction running into the saloon car and hitting the taxi, which was negotiating a curve.

Mamadu in an interview with the GNA said he was descending to the junction when the breaks failed leading to the collision with the two vehicles.

When the Police demanded the licence and papers of the mummy truck, the driver could not produce them, saying, he was a mechanic trying the vehicle.