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Diasporia News of Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Source: Association of Concerned Ghanaians in Europe

Time to put Ghana first -ACGIE

Thursday August 29 2013 will go down in annals of our political and constitutional history as the day on which our political maturity and democratic credentials were put to the greatest test. The outcome of this test would to a large extent depend on our collective will and determination to hold together as one people with a common destiny.

As the entire nation awaits the Supreme Court verdict on the election petition, ACGIE would want to place on record our faith in the people and the institutions of this great nation and their ability to demonstrate to the world that indeed were are the flag bearers of the rule of law, democratic governance and political tolerance on the African continent.

There is no doubt that the Supreme would deliver a verdict on this fateful day. However, our reaction to the verdict is what matters most and makes the difference. Against this backdrop ACGIE would want to urge all the political players especially the leadership of the two political parties to demonstrate the highest level of patriotism by accepting the verdict when it is pronounced. Furthermore, we appeal to our compatriots to desist from any acts that are likely to threaten the peace and stability of our dear nation-Ghana as the date of the verdict draws near. We must constantly remind ourselves that Ghanaians would not tolerate and would indeed resist any individual or group of persons who would want to destabilize the country because Ghana is bigger than any political party or group of individuals

Events in other parts of Africa provide important and useful lessons which we cannot ignore and Ghana is fortunate to draw lessons from those countries. The lessons which should guide us at this critical moment in our political history are that we should put people before politics and put peace before party. In all our actions the interest of Ghana should reign supreme and take priority over any other consideration.

We are confident that the Supreme Court would live up to their constitutionally mandated duty of delivering justice. Similarly, we expect ALL GHANAIANS to accept and respect whatever verdict the nine Judges would pronounce on that day.

LONG LIVE GHANA Signed Kwaku Anane-Gyinde Secretary Association of Concerned Ghanaians in Europe ACGIE