General News of Wednesday, 19 May 2021


Today at the News Stands

Stories making headlines on the front pages in the major newspapers Stories making headlines on the front pages in the major newspapers

Stories making headlines on the front pages in the major newspapers

The Daily Statesman:

* Don't blame us for election violence - EC

* 'African needs debt cancellation'

The Finder:

* EC proposes closing voting at 3pm to IPAC

* TOR in GHS 151.9m statutory payments arrears

The Chronicle:

* JHS student commits suicide

* Akufo-Addo to IMF, World Bank: Cancel Africa debts

The New Crusading Guide:

* Cancel Africa's debts - Akufo-Addo to Breton Woods institutions

* Former Shai Osudoku DCE accused of attacking land owners at Dodowa

Ghanaian Times:

* Massive demolition exercise in Accra

* Youth demand for astro turfs soars

Daily Guide:

* Cancel Africa's debts, Akufo-Addo pushes

* NPP touts economic gains

Daily Graphic:

* Unauthorised structures go down in Accra

* GRA offers tax incentives to businesses


*GPL stinks, where is the love - Nduom

*PPP condemns brutalities