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General News of Tuesday, 12 June 2018


Today at the News stands

FrontPage headlines all captured in the 'papers' FrontPage headlines all captured in the 'papers'

Stories making headlines on the front pages in the major newspapers include:

Daily Graphic

- 7 hospitals refuse care for man, 70

- GFA offices remained sealed

Ghanaian Times

- 4 Military ‘galamseyers’ sacked

- Govt will tackle all bad roads- President


- 36.3% Ghanaians practise Open defecation- CSIR

- MPs snub Ghana card registration

Ghana Palaver

- NDC will rise again- @JDMahama assures

- @sammiawuku’s wife grabs juicy free zones feeding contract

Daily Statesman

- Govt goes to court over move to dissolve GFA

- Stephen Ntim campaign denies resignations


- Reverse nation’s poor dev't

- MoFA gets 216 pickups to solve transportation challenges


- Headmaster cuts short girl’s education

- Korle Bu staff in tears over Anyah’s departure

Daily Guide

- NDC Minister grabs $3m mansion- Says Rawlings

- Minority rejects Ghana card


- US MILITARY DEAL: The discourse will influence decisions in 2020 polls- Kofi Henaku


- Govt warns of galamsey effects

- First Lady calls for increased action towards gender parity

Graphic Business

- Merge or die* Ishmael Yamson kicks against plea of local banks

- Cocoa prices tumble