Regional News of Saturday, 21 July 2007

Source: GNA

Traditional ruler harps on importance of education

Agomeda (E/R) July 21, GNA- A traditional ruler of the Shai Traditional Council on Saturday said one of the best forms of property that parents could bequeath their children and wards was education. Nene Nagia Kassa VIII, Hiomeh Matse (Chief of Defence) of the Shai Traditional Council has therefore called on parents to endeavour to enrol their children in school in order ensure rapid development of the country's human resource.

"Education is the bedrock of success and development. We have to develop our human resource to ensure rapid development," he added. Nene Kassa, known in private life as WOI Joseph Kofi Addai said this at Agomenda in the Greater Accra Region when he was out-doored and sworn into office as Hiomeh Mantse. Nene Kassa, who was sworn into office by Nene Agbotia Wayebida II, Asafoatse Hiomeh, amidst drumming and dancing, succeeded Nene Nagai Kassa VII who passed away last year.

Nene Kassa noted that in the past, their forefathers bequeathed them with lands as their property but most of the lands have now been sold and those left could not be enough to sustain families and entreated parents to offer their wards the best of education. He noted that there was the need for all citizens to close their ranks and forge ahead in unity, adding, "for in unity lies strength." "Recent developments have shown that the whole Hiomeh descended from the same genealogical ancestry, we therefore need to put the past behind us and come together as one family.

I will do everything in my power to work closely with the other chiefs and family heads and all stakeholders to ensure reconciliation and lasting peace to our people," Nene Kassa said.

Nene Kassa said: "I am a peacemaker and no true peacekeeper will ever have the love for war, knowing very well what war is and what peace can do." He entreated all to call on him to "discuss matters that would enhance the growth and peaceful co-existence of our noble people." He said the people of Shai were privileged that the capital of the Greater Accra Region was going to be moved to Dodowa. "This will definitely go with a lot of development and we of Hiomeh must not be left behind in this drive, noting that the development was one of the panacea for peace and quality life." Nene Kassa appealed to his people to register with the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and ensure cleanliness in the area. Nene Tei Djahene Korabo IV, Asafoatse of Shai and Divisional Chief of Manya, said development of the town was paramount and urged all to do away with conflicts.
