Tema, (Greater Accra) 8 Oct.,
Women have been asked to train their children to know and believe that despite new discoveries and scientific interpretations of the creation of the universe, the power and protection of God are still needed. Mrs. Margaret Clarke-Kweisie, Minister of State, made the call yesterday when she opened a three-day international women's conference at Tema. The conference, which is under the theme ''facing the challenge of the 21st century with Christ'' is organised by ''Youth with A Mission'' and ''Sent Forth Ministries'' from the United States to help mobilise women to present Jesus Christ to the present generation. Mrs. Clarke-Kweisi said women would have to train their children in the Christian way particularly in the 21st century, a technological age, when human beings will be using science and technology in medicine, gene manipulation, space travelling and other things ''that may challenge our belief and faith in God''. ''We as women will have to ensure that we have anchored our faith and that of our families firmly in Jesus, because to face the challenges of the 21st century requires a more intimate relationship with Christ''. She urged Christian women to fight against immoral behaviours and other vices ''that separate us from the holy spirit so that we can bring out those virtues of modesty, wisdom, love and co-operation and become the source of joy in our homes and to our children and husbands''. Looking at the development of women, she said there has been a dramatic change in the last 50 years than in the previous 500 years. Women are facing challenges which their mothers and grandmothers never knew. ''We can now aspire to the highest qualification and embark on any profession or career that we desire''.