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General News of Friday, 19 May 2017


Trending Gh: Ghanaians furious over release of Delta 8

Issues about Delta Force has generated lots of controversies in the country play videoIssues about Delta Force has generated lots of controversies in the country

Ghanaians are furious and have expressed their dissatisfaction with the ruling government over the release of eight members of the pro-New Patriotic Party (NPP) vigilante group, Delta Force, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

According to them, news about the release of the eight Delta Force members got them extremely disappointed in government as they feel the judgement was politically orchestrated to protect and favour the group just like what former President Mahama did in the case of the Montie 3 last year.

Although some linked the case to that of Montie 3 and demanded justice to be served, others also believe the two can’t be linked since the cases are different.

Also, what shocked many was the prosecutor's failure to bring the evidence to the court considering that people knew the harm caused by the vigilante group when they stormed the court to rescue their members some time ago.

You would recall that eight (8) members of the Pro-New Patriotic Party (NPP) vigilante group, Delta Force who were standing trial for aiding 13 of their colleagues (who were arrested for assaulting the Ashanti Regional Security Coordinator) to escape were on May 17, 2017 freed by a Kumasi Circuit Court for want of evidence.

When the case was called, the Principal State Attorney Marie Louise-Simmons told the Court that the state was no longer interested in pursuing the case indicating it was as a result of the fact that “the evidence available makes it extremely impossible to successfully prosecute any of the suspects.”

In the wake of the recent discharge, the Minority, led by Haruna Iddrisu, held a press conference saying they “find it very bizarre that the AG, Ms Gloria Akuffo, who assured the entire citizens of her commitment to fairness and strict adherence to ethical principles will claim that in doing this and exercising her constitutional discretion on grounds that there was lack of evidence. Even on Facebook, even on Twitter and those of you who do social media, some evidence is available and some evidence can be made available and some evidence can be found so we are encouraging them to gather good enough evidence.”

This issue about the Delta 8 has generated lots of controversies as varying views and opinions are made by political parties, groups and lawyers.

While others justify the judgement made by the court on grounds of no evidence, others also find it strange and bizarre as they think the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is shielding its members.

Watch the video below.