General News of Friday, 1 December 2023


#TrendingGH: Farming is now lucrative - Market women tell youth

A group of market women play videoA group of market women

Today, December 1, 2023, marks the 39th edition of the Farmers’ Day celebration in the history of Ghana with the theme; ‘Delivering smooth solutions for sustainable resilience.’

Some members of the public have hailed farmers in the country for their diligence and dedication and called on the youth to get involved.

According to them, farming in recent times have become lucrative compared to its state in the previous times when they were struggling to earn much income.

Some individuals admonished youth against neglecting the agricultural sector especially farming to focus on white-collar jobs because of its lucrative nature in recent times.

Some market women who spoke to GhanaWeb expressed their gratitude to the farmers and urged them to continue their hard work and called on the youth to consider farming and not focus on white-collar jobs only.

“I wish the farmers the best. We pray that God will bless them and grant them good health so that they can continue working to provide food for the nation. Their work is essential because without food our lives will become miserable. I will advise the youth to learn from the current farmers so that in future we will continue to have food in abundance,” a market woman said.

A trader also asserted that “Today we are celebrating farmers and it is good because if no one does farming we will suffer. I will entreat them to continue working hard for food to be available in the market. I will encourage the young ones to also involve themselves in because because it is a good occupation that will help them.”

Another market woman asked for God’s blessings to be bestowed upon farmers to continue doing good works for the nation.

“I ask God to bless them immensely because their work is very difficult. Also, the youth of today are lazy but we will ask them to involve themselves in farming to help the nation overcome the economic crisis and progress.”

A trader lamented how harmful chemicals used by farmers affect food items and make them rot earlier than they are supposed to.

She advised farmers to desist from the act because it was disturbing their work as traders.

“As for me, I want to tell the farmers to stop using harmful chemicals that make the foods ripe earlier. Right now if you buy cassava, after three days it begins to rot but previously you could keep it for a long without it spoiling. I will advise them to desist from the usage of such chemicals to make the food safe.”

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