Accra, Aug. 20, - A Plastic Waste Management Trust is to be established to finance collection of plastic waste littered in the metropolis. In this connection a nine-member committee, including representatives of plastic manufacturers, Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), Customs, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS), plastic importers and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is to be formed to manage the fund. This was contained in a communique issued after a meeting between the Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, plastic manufacturers and importers held in Accra today to find a solution to mounting plastic waste in the city. The idea for the establishment of the fund was mooted by the ministry because it felt plastic manufacturers are part of the problem. As a first step, the Plastic industry has agreed to finance collection of plastic waste in five selected areas beginning from Saturday, August 30. These include Kwame Nkrumah Circle to Obetsebi Lamptey Circle and National Theatre to Kimbu Road. The rest include Ridge Hospital to Kanda Fly over, Dimples areas. The communique said recycling and re-use of plastic waste is to be promoted on a national scale.