General News of Friday, 5 October 2018


Two Eden Church branches call for General Overseer’s head

General Overseer of Eden Revival Church International, Nana Kwasi Agyekum-Dwamena General Overseer of Eden Revival Church International, Nana Kwasi Agyekum-Dwamena

Two branches of Eden Revival Church International -Haatso and Ofankor have called for the immediate resignation of its General Overseer, Reverend Nana Kwasi Agyekum-Dwamena.

Consequently, the leadership of the two branches and other members of the church have written to some religious bodies in the country including the Christian Council, Catholic Bishops Conference, Ghana Pentecostal Council, the Ministry of Religious and Chieftaincy Affairs, National Peace Council etc. to back their request.

To the leadership of the aggrieved branches, the General Overseer have overstayed his tenure as stated in the church’s constitution.

Below is excerpts of the letter.





Dear in Christ,


Having considered the following:

That your deceit to the Church by organizing a joint ceremony in the year 2002 to commemorate a change of name in compliance with a resolution passed in the preceding year’s General Council Meeting to have the name of the Church changed;

That after having successfully organized the said ceremony of commemoration as if the import and purpose for the commemoration was true, whereas in actual fact the change of name was never effected on paper which you waited some six (6) years down the line when everyone had forgotten entirely about it, you in concert with the General Secretary Daniel Appiah Koranteng managed to procure the signature of the National Women Coordinator who is one of the long standing executive members of the Church to register the Church in your names at the Registrar General’s Department without the knowledge of any member: be that member a Pastor, an Executive, or a Lay person; and have since being operating the Church as your bona-fide property;

That your unilateral Decision to have a New Registration of the Church in the year 2008 and of which registration do have you and the said others as Directors/Subscribers without any authorization whatsoever;

That you unilaterally changed the Constitution of the Church to suit your personal desires such that powers which originally were vested in the authority of the General Council and NEC are all now vested in the authority of the General Overseer who is you Nana Kwasi Agyekum Dwamena;

That having managed to change the church’s constitution to that of your desire, you also smuggle same into the system to replace the one the Church has adopted in principle for the governance of the Church;

That you have blatantly violated the provision in our Church’s Constitution which requires that every General Overseer of our church must be a Full Time Minister;

That you changed also the original telephone numbers on the Church’s Letter Head and replaced them with your personal numbers;

That since the beginning of your stewardship in both acting and substantive capacities as General Overseer following the demise of our founder, the Late Rev. Bro Yeboa-Koree in the year 2000, you have not for once presented to the Church any Audited Account: be it of the Church or any of its establishments such as the schools;

That you continue to create the impression to make everyone feel and believe that our Church known to be the late Bro. Yeboa-Koree’s Church which was established in the year 1963 is indeed so, whereas on paper as our checks indicate, it is a ten (10) year old Church established in the year 2008 and owned by you Nana Kwasi Agyekum Dwamena and two others mentioned earlier;

That your two (2) terms in office (a five-year term each) plus an initial three years which you served in an acting capacity making a total of thirteen (13) years ended in 2013, you, as if that was not enough for you, managed again through all means against the church’s constitution to stay in office for another five (5) years which ended August 2018;

That your engagements in all that is stated supra which have brought division in the church and causing most of the members of the congregation to leave the church;

And having also considered:

That all the aforesaid impasse and the division it has caused in the Church was amicably resolved by the Christian Council of Ghana by a resolution dated February 14, 2017 and dubbed “A New Beginning For All” of which resolution you signed to as well as the Chair of the Arbitration Committee who doubles as the Vice Chairman of the Christian Council of Ghana, The Most Rev. Titus Awotwi Pratt (The immediate past Presiding Bishop, Methodist Church, Ghana);

That you have decided and have since not complied with the provisions of the said resolution claiming it was a mistake you did;

That you have again held on to office telling everyone that your term of office would end next year 2019 having illegally stayed in office after 2013;

That having succeeded in the aforementioned, you are now in the process trying to make yourself and the office you occupy a life term;

We as well as all the concerned members of the church believe, and have always held same, that members belonging to a true church of Christ must not allow themselves or be allowed to be subjected to any kind of system, Administration, or Operations characterized by doctrinaire captaincy and much so contrary to Bible or biblical principles.

Notwithstanding, having observed you critically alongside analyzing the systematic drifting down of our church since you took office eighteen (18) years ago; we those that are concerned across the spectrum of the entire membership and having been faced with the reality have come to terms with our individual selves that the situation in which our Church finds herself today which we earlier thought was only as a result of ineptitude in the field of spirituality and prudent church management on the part of yourself – Rev. Nana Kwasi Agyekum Dwamena as General Overseer, and Rev. Daniel Appiah Koranteng as General Secretary, was rather far worse a case than we had thought earlier, and which indeed is nothing short of a deliberate well-tailored agenda geared towards appropriating the Church our founder Rev. Bro. Yeboa-Koree in blessed memory founded and left for us all.

Be that as it may, a church which hitherto was operating under a unified system of doctrine where the manifestation of diverse Gifts of administration or operation by the Holy Spirit was in control, and having also its membership run in thousands has under your leadership drifted into a rather individually imposed system packed with doctrinaire captaincy, dictatorial stewardship, cronyism, nepotism and disrespect for members of the congregation etc. which have led to a massive decline of membership of the church to a number just below a thousand across the entire nation;

Further so, forasmuch as your non-recognition of our dear founder and his properly laid down structure which he put in place has collapsed as a result of your hidden agenda gradually exhibited in disguise over the years which but for the intervention of some few key members of our church, you together with Daniel Appiah Koranteng would have fully appropriated the church unto yourselves by now.

In view of the above however, we request you to:

See to the full implementation of the Christian Council Resolution dated February 14, 2017 and dubbed “A New Beginning for All” within seven days;

Ensure that the Eleven (11) member panel as a provision of the “A New Beginning for All” Resolution be properly constituted and officially inaugurated by the Chairman of the Arbitration Committee who doubles as the Vice Chair of the Christian Council of Ghana, The Most Rev. Titus Awotwi Pratt (The immediate past Presiding Bishop, Methodist Church, Ghana) and invitation sent to him to that effect within seven days;

Resign and hand over all properties, movable or immovable held, and operated in the name of Eden Revival Church International to the national officers of the church within seven days;

We believe this call and request of ours is in line with Christian discipline and ethics and would therefore meet your attention and consideration and all those that are or may be concerned as well as the Christian fraternity and entire good people of Ghana.

And as we are all guided by scripture in all our endeavors as Christians, we will however continue to remind ourselves of the following as we conclude:

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.” (Luke 12:2 KJV)

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32 KJV)

We are anticipating your adherance to this call as we remain:

Yours In-His-Service


Pastor Isaac Panyin Arthur

(For and on-behalf of the Concerned members)

Pastor Benjamin Kusi

(For and on-behalf of the Concerned members)

Cc: The Chairman of the Arbitration Committee &

Vice Chair of the Christian Council of Ghana

The Most Rev. Titus Awotwi Pratt

(Immediate Past Presiding Bishop of Methodist Church, Ghana)

The General Secretary

Christian Council of Ghana

The President

Catholic Bishops Conference

The General Secretary

Ghana Pentecostal Council

The General Secretary

National Association of Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches

The Hon. Minister

Ministry of Religion and Chieftaincy

The Hon. Minister

Ministry of Local Govt.

The Chairman

National Peace Council