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Regional News of Saturday, 27 October 2012

Source: GNA

Two Justices for Parliamentary Vetting

Parliament is to vet two justices, Mr Justice A.A. Benin and Mr Justice J.B. Akamba, for appointment to the Supreme Court.

This follows their nomination by President John Dramani Mahama in accordance with Article 144 (2) of the Constitution on the advice of the Judicial Council and in consultation with Council of State.

First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Edward Doe Adjaho, who read a communication from the Executive on the floor of the House referred the issue to the Appointments Committee for consideration.

The Committee is expected to vet the nominees and present its report for debate before Parliament adjourns on Wednesday October 31, 2012.

A statement issued by Parliament has urged the public to submit memorandum to the Committee not later than 1700 hours of Monday, October 29, 2012 to guide the process of nominations.