Regional News of Friday, 1 November 2002

Source: .

Two Unit Committees Inaugurated in Asante Akim District

Two Unit Committees have been inaugurated at Dwease in the Dwease-Praaso Area Council in the Asante Akim North District.

The District Chief Executive for the district, Mr. George Frimpong expressed his profound gratitude for the commitment and dedication of the Unit Committees and the Area Council members.

He urged them to take criticisms directed at them in good faith and continue to work harder. Not all Ghanaians can commit themselves to serve our nation, therefore those appointed should discharge their duties creditably to enhance national development to move the nation forward, he added.

The District Chief Executive noted that it is the government’s determination to strengthen the unit committees and the area councils, therefore they should collaborate with the chiefs, elders, and the opinion leaders so that they can work diligently.

Mr. Frimpong advised them to lead exemplary lives so that it will enable them to discharge their duties successfully.

Later, members swore the oath of allegiance to the state administered by the District Chief Executive.

Mr. J. F. Ansah was elected Area Council Chairman for Dwease-Praaso. The chairman asked his people to work hard to develop the area, and called for unity among themselves and also avoid party politics.