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General News of Tuesday, 2 July 2024


Two toddlers die as building collapse in Gomoa Osamkrom

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Two children lost their lives when a building that housed them collapsed in Gomoa Osamkrom, Central Region, on Tuesday, July 2, 2024.

The victims were a one-year-old girl and her one-month-old brother.

According to reports from Adom News, the children's mother, Sophia Arthur, had briefly stepped out to bathe after feeding them. She recounted hearing a sudden, alarming sound and rushed out to find their home reduced to rubble.

Residents rushed to assist, attempting to remove the debris in hopes of rescuing the children. However, their efforts were in vain, as the toddlers had already succumbed to the collapse.

The bodies of the deceased have been transferred to the mortuary at Agona Swedru Government Hospital.

Authorities have initiated investigations to determine the cause of this heartbreaking incident.


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