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Regional News of Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Source: GNA

Two-year old boy drowns

A two-year old boy got drowned on Sunday in a rivulet in Agbogbome near Denu in the Ketu-South Municipality.

Dzigbordi Adzraku Police and Aflao Police source said the boy came to the Roman Catholic Church in the company of parents, both residents of Agbogbome at around 0900 hours.

The source said Dzigbordi drifted with colleague kids outside the worship room. His mother came out looking for him, but did not find him.

She searched further away from the Church building and saw her son’s body floating in the rivulet.

The source said the woman’s shouts drew people to the scene to retrieve the dead body which has been deposited at the Saint Anthony’s Hospital awaiting autopsy.