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General News of Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Twum Boafo apologises to Jon Benjamin over OccupyGhana membership claim

Jon Benjamin (L),   Kwadwo Twum Boafo (R) Jon Benjamin (L), Kwadwo Twum Boafo (R)

The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Free Zones Board, Kwadwo Twum Boafo, has made a U-turn on his comments suggesting the UK’s High Commissioner to Ghana, Jon Benjamin, is a member of the pressure group OccupyGhana. Speaking on TV3’s New Day magazine show Tuesday, Mr Twum Boafo said: “The British High Commissioner in this country has been going to #OccupyGhana meetings [and] showing up at their events.”

He claimed Mr Benjamin once addressed the group at Christ The King in Accra, which he said, triggered a response from the Minister of Communications.

But Mr Benjamin later tweeted TV3 to deny the claims, and accordingly demanded a retraction from Mr Twum Boafo, saying “I have never once been to an OccupyGhana event. Will you now as KT Boafo to retract and apologise?” Mr Benjamin’s denial prompted a retraction and apology from Mr Twum Boafo, who described his claim as “error”.

“I deeply regret any inconvenience caused Mr Benjamin by my error and wish to correct the record to reflect the actual situation. I apologize for any distress caused him as a result of my erroneous submission,” he said in a statement issued Tuesday night.

Retraction and Correction of Record

I wish to correct a misimpression emanating from a submission I made this morning 15th November 2016 on TV3’s Newsday programme.

During the program, I said that British High Commissioner to Ghana H.E. Jon Benjamin addressed an OccupyGhana event. My attention has subsequently been drawn to the fact that Mr Benjamin has never spoken at any OccupyGhana events.

I accept that the British Government is entirely neutral regarding the results of Ghana’s impending election and will work with whoever wins. I deeply regret any inconvenience caused Mr Benjamin by my error and wish to correct the record to reflect the actual situation. I apologize for any distress caused him as a result of my erroneous submission.

Kwadwo Twum Boafo