General News of Tuesday, 1 May 2001

Source: Ghana

UK-Japan Learning Mission Visits Ghana

A joint UK-Japan Learning Mission is in the country to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp), a mechanism for the provision of donor assistance to Government-led comprehensive sector reform programmes.

The mission, which arrived on Sunday, will leave on Thursday May 3, a statement from the Japan Embassy said on Monday.

The statement said the visit forms part of efforts towards mutual understanding and joint learning development between UK and Japan which will focus on assistance in Ghana's health sector.

The release said the mission would also hold meetings with the Minister of Health and senior officers of the Ministries of Finance, Economic and Regional Planning and Local Government and Rural Development.

In addition, meetings will be held with representatives of the donor community, non-governmental organisations as well as local institutions such as Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research.

"As the UK and Japanese Governments are two of the leading donors in Ghana and assisting the efforts of the Government of Ghana to implement poverty reduction strategies, this joint mission demonstrates and promotes common interests and mutual learning between the two governments on development assistance".

It said the mission which visited Tanzania earlier for similar discussions, include experts from UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, The Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC).