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Regional News of Sunday, 24 April 2016

Source: GNA

UPSA honours Prof. Joshua Alabi

Prof Joshua Alabi Prof Joshua Alabi

The University of Professional Studies, (UPSA) has honoured its Vice Chancellor Professor Joshua Alabi, for his outstanding contributions towards transforming the former Institute of Professional Studies into a global status University.

He received the Legacy Award - which is awarded to a member of staff of who leaves an outstanding legacy in the University.

The citation accompanying the award reads: “When we look back, truly history has a lot to say. Many smiled at the ambitions, many waited to the revelations, many doubted the initiative, many were aloof in the deep colours of irresponsibility and some were drenched in the morbid fear of failure.

“Your exemplary life, leadership qualities and fairness has led the way to our new status. Your actions have inspired many to dream more, to do more and to become vibrant in the life of society.

“You have become a yard stick of quality and perseverance….Your unrelenting focus fosters University wide culture of tolerance and made maximum use of the diverse knowledge of all staff….

“In recognition of your outstanding contributions to the building of consensus and ensuring growth and progress in UPSA, we celebrate you with the Legacy Award.

“Your tangible and intangible legacies shall linger from here. We celebrate you, Prof Joshua Alabi.”

Prof Alabi, who is away on an international assignment, had his award received by his wife, Prof Goski Alabi.

The award ceremony, the first of its kind by the University, was to recognise the contributions of staff who had distinguished themselves in the service of the University and society.

Prof Goski Alabi, a Consultant in Quality, and the Head of Total Quality of the USPA, and Dr Robert Lawrence Afutu-Kotey, a lecturer at the Management Faculty, Department of Administration, were the other award winners.

Prof Goski Alabi, was Awarded the Meritorious Service Award for her role in providing outstanding services to UPSA and Society, while Dr Afutu-Kotey received the Most Promising Scholar Award.

Prof Abenego Okoe Feehi Amartey, the Pro-Vice Chancellor, lauded the Vice Chancellor for his exemplary role in transforming the UPSA into a world- class University.

He explained that the UPSA Management had no part in the awards, and that it was strictly the decision of the Awards Committee.

Prof Goski Alabi, on behalf, of the recipients, thanked the USPA for the honour done them.

Prof Goski Alabi explained that she had dreaded the thought of receiving an award with her husband from the University on the same platform.

“However, with her husband out of town, she fears had no grounds so she was grateful to the University.

The ceremony, which was chaired by Dr Albert Puni, the Dean of the UPSA School of Graduate Studies and Research, formed part of the UPSA’ Second International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurship Development.

The two-day conference is on the theme, “Remaining Competitive Amidst Rising Cost of Operations: The dilemma of Small and Medium Enterprises.

It brings together both local and international experts of business management and entrepreneurial development to discuss trends, challenges and solutions with the aim to enhance industry.