General News of Wednesday, 24 March 2004

Source: GNA

USAID/QUIPS spent 29.7 billion cedis on infrastructure projects

Odumase (Ash), March 24, GNA - The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Quality Improvement in Primary Schools (QUIPS) project is spending 29.7 billion cedis on infrastructure facilities nationwide since the inception of the scheme in 1998 to date. The work involved the construction of new classrooms, renovation of classrooms, provision of teachers' common rooms and libraries and teachers' quarters.

Mr Michael Amanor-Mfoafo, Office Manager, USAID/QUIPS, said these at a joint inauguration of three new six primary school blocks constructed by the USAID/QUIPS project at a total cost of 868.5 million cedi, at Odumase on Wednesday.

The schools are Odumase Anglican, Patriensa Presbyterian and Dwease local authority primary.

The USAID/QUIPS project implemented the work in collaboration with the Asante-Akyem North district assembly and the beneficiary communities.

Mr Amanor-Mfoafo said 11.7 billion cedis out of the 29.7 billion cedis is being spent on the construction of 275 new classrooms, renovation of seven classrooms and 48 teachers' quarters nationwide under the 2003/2004 projects.

The Office Manager said because Odumase Anglican was the first to complete its project, it was given 8.7 million cedis as an incentive package.

Mr George Frimpong, Asante-Akyem North District Chief Executive, said the assembly was awarding contracts for the construction of blocks of classrooms, offices, and stores and toilets facilities at Domeabra, Odumase, Pekyerekye and Dwease under the HIPC Fund.

He also said the assembly allotted money from its common fund for the construction of a block of three-classrooms with store and urinal for the Praso primary school.

Mr Frimpong asked parents to ensure the welfare of their children and urged the beneficiary communities to maintain the buildings properly to prolong their life span.