General News of Friday, 17 October 2003

Source: GNA

USAID provides assistance for Kakum National Park

Assin Mesomagor (C/R), Oct 17, GNA- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is to fund the construction of a number of residential accommodation for guards of the Department of Wildlife attached to the Kakum National Park.

The measure is to ensure its effective management and protection. Lieutenant Colonel Kim Hooper, Chief Officer of Development Cooperation at the United States Embassy, said this when he inaugurated two twelve-unit quarters for the guards at Assin Kruwa and Assin Mesomagor on Friday.

The project, estimated at more than 200,000 dollars, is funded by the USAID.

He said similar facility has been provided for the guards at Abrafo, near Ankaful and that more would be constructed for guards who oversee the western and northern parts of the park.

Lt. Col. Hooper reiterated the importance of the park and said it is internationally recognised as one of the world's key bio-diversity zones and one of the 15 threatened high bio-diversity areas in the world.

Mr. Cletus Nateg, a Senior Wildlife Officer in charge of the park, said the park attracts about 80,000 tourists annually with about 30 per cent being foreigners and thanked the USAID for its assistance. The Omanhene of the Assin Attandanso Traditional Area, Nana Tibu Asare II, appealed to the department to help provide the people of Mesomagor with a clinic and school.