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Crime & Punishment of Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Source: GNA

Unemployed man jailed 25 years for robbery

A 24 year-old unemployed, Seidu Issah, was on Monday sentenced to 25 years imprisonment in hard labour by the Tarkwa Circuit Court for robbing one David Cudjoe of Adjakaa-Manso of his Apsonic motor bike valued GH¢ 2,600.

Seidu pleaded guilty.

Prosecuting, Police Chief Inspector Edward Paddy, told the court, presided over by Mr. Justice Obeng Asante that the complainant is an illegal miner who also transports people on his motor bike.

He said on January 20, this year, the accused, who hails from Sefwi-Anhwiaso, came to Adjakaa-Manso with the intention to steal a motor bike.

Chief Inspector Paddy said at about 2030 hours on that same day, the accused hired the complainant to transport him on his motor bike to Amontengkrom village, which is six kilometers away from Adjakaa-Manso Township.

He said Seidu offered a handsome fare of GH¢ 130 and made part payment of GH¢ 15 with a promise to settle the balance on their return.

Inspector Paddy said while returning to the Amontengkrom village, Seidu asked the complainant to stop at an isolated area and the complainant obeyed.

He said the accused then took possession of the Apsonic motor bike with registration number M-14-AS 2655 from the complainant and while the complainant was resisting, the accused gave him a blow in the stomach which "sent him the complainant to the ground".

Chief Inspector Paddy said Seidu set off on the motor bike towards Sefwi-Anhwiase but he run out of fuel when he reached Sefwi-Awaso around 2330 hours.

He said whilst the accused was pushing the motor bike, one Nkuah, who suspected the bike to have been stolen, arrested Seidu and handed him over to the police.

The Prosecutor said at the police station, the accused confirmed he snatched the motor bike from a young man at Adjakaa-Manso.

The Chief Inspector said the complainant, who sustained minor injuries during the robbery was treated and discharged at the Adjakaa-Manso Health Center.