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Politics of Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Source: Komla Efanam

United Cadres’ Front Of Ghana Condemns Violence Against NDC Supporters

The United Cadres’ Front of Ghana (UCF-GHANA), have observed with much indignation, the series of violent attacks on members and sympathizers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in some parts of the country which has led to the loss of two lives so far.

It is unfortunate and highly damnable that after the historic event of going through a tensed election which was largely peaceful, and with the sitting President conceding defeat in such a highly Statesmanship manner, we now have criminals going on the rampage in the name of politics.

These attacks which are coming from supporters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), reminds us of similar attacks in 2013, before the party went to court over the 2012 Presidential Election which they challenged. One NDC supporter was killed in his car just for donning a branded NDC T-shirt. Some NDC members suffered cutlass wounds around the Obra Spot for the same ‘OFFENCE’ of being in party colours.
At the time, NDC members were attacked because the party won the elections in 2012. The NPP considered the victory as having been rigged to win which the highest court of the land rejected the claim. Can the New Patriotic Party, now tell us the reasons for these attacks?

When the NPP loses – NDC must be attacked! When they win, too – NDC must suffer violence at their hands?

The United Cadres’ Front of Ghana, wish to commend the entirety of NDC supporters and those who directly suffered these primitive attacks, for their patience in not fighting back as at the time that this statement is being issued. We salute you all for your patience.

However, we want to caution that if the NPP leadership does not call its supporters to order, and the security agencies continue to fail in giving protection to supporters – we will be left with no option but to stand up in our individual/collective defense against these criminal attacks.

The UCF-GHANA, per this communication, render our condolences to the families of Wofa K and Ayoma who are casualties of these rampaging criminals. No one should mistake our patience for cowardice.

As this statement is being concluded, none of the ‘vociferous’ so-called Civil Society Organizations and faith-based organizations have come out to condemn the dastardly acts against NDC members. We thank them and hope when the activists ran out of patience and begin to organize to defend themselves – we will eagerly expect the same silence from them.

Komla Efanam (Secretary to Interim Management Committee)